A Mysql error has occurred while running the script:
- The query you are trying to run is invalid
- Mysql Error Output: Expression #16 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'unityof_site.am.media_url' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
- SQL Query: SELECT a.auction_id, a.name, a.end_time AS postdate, a.description, a.max_bid,
a.nb_bids, a.currency, a.category_id, a.closed, a.bold, a.hl, a.buyout_price, a.is_offer, a.start_price,
a.reserve_price, am.media_url, u.username FROM probid_auctions a
LEFT JOIN probid_auction_media am ON a.auction_id=am.auction_id AND am.media_type=1 AND am.upload_in_progress=0
LEFT JOIN probid_users u ON u.user_id=a.owner_id
WHERE a.closed=0 AND a.active=1 AND a.approved=1 AND a.deleted=0
GROUP BY a.auction_id ORDER BY end_time ASC LIMIT 10